Take a look around
at how the museum started out looking
Pacifica History in VR !
The History of Pacifica is seen through newspaper headlines. Also the "The Peoples Tunnel Exhibit "
Take a look around, This is our media room. Here many interesting videos regarding the history of Pacifica can be seen, Surfing,The Ocean Shore Railroad, The Tom Lantos tunnel and many more.
Henry McCloskey built his castle in 1908, a home strong enough to survive an earthquake like the one that had just ocurred just north in San Francisco.
Look around ! Take a 3D 360 view of the entrance to the upstairs museum. Travel through time, beginning with The Pacifica Mammoth Exhibit, The Ohlones, the original people of Pacifica followed by the Spanish and the Discovery of the San Francisco Bay.
Take a look around at our Ocean Shore Railroad exhibit. Maps detail the original route down the coast though Pacifica.
Pacifica Coastside Museum
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